Women’s Beach Volleyball League

Women’s Beach Volleyball League

Monday Women 2’s

2025/03/06 Beach Volleyball League

2025 Beach Volleyball Leagues

Registration will begin mid-April. League play will start the week of May 26. The fee per team is $355 + GST for a 12 week season.

Returning Teams:

On Sunday, April 13, team captains will receive an email with instructions regarding registration. If you are a returning team captain and do not receive the email, contact Cher at [email protected].

New Teams:

The registration period is April 13 to April 27. If more teams register than there are new spots available, a random draw will be used to determine which teams get in. All applicants will be notified of their registration status by April 28.


The format of playoffs will be the same as last year. All teams get to play both weeks of playoffs.

Tiers 1 & 2 are combined to form division 1, tiers 3 & 4 form division 2, and tiers 5 & 6 form division 3.

2 nights. All teams play both nights.

Single elimination

Best of 3 matches: sets to 21, 21, and 15

*Time indicates the earliest and latest times your match can start. It is the responsibility of your team to be there before the earliest possible start time.*

Night 1: Sets capped at 21, 21, 15 or when time is up
Start TimeCourt 1: Div 1Court 2: Div 2Court 3: Div 3Match
Night 2: No cap, win by 2, no time limit
Start TimeCourt 1: Div 1Court 2: Div 2Court 3: Div 3Match
Monday, July 29th (Round 10)

Match Order:

Match 1: Team 2 vs. Team 3

Match 2: Team 3 vs. Team 1

Match 3: Team 1 vs. Team 2

Start TimeTierCourtTeam 1Team 2Team 3
6:00 PM11
6:00 PM22
6:00 PM33
8:00 PM41
8:00 PM52
8:00 PM63
No non-table content above this row
League start date: May 20 (Round 1)
Team NamePlayers